12:28 PM

So, today was Maddy's 2 week checkup and it went well. She now weighs 8lbs 6oz, up a whole pound and 3 oz from her birthweight! She has grown 1/2 an inch, now 20 whole inches long!
The nurse said that she is in the 50th percentile in weight, length, and head size. Smack dab in the middle is great with us!
The oxygen company will be bringing us a monitor either today or tomorrow, and we will monitor her oxygen overnight. Just a little pulse ox meter on her foot. The data will be sent to the doctors office and they will let us know if she can come off of it or not. Basically, we need her oxygen to stay above 92% pretty much all the time, or she stays on the oxygen. So, say some oxygen prays for her!!! I am TRYING not to get my hopes up, but it would be so wonderful to have her off the O2!
Tiffany and Co. will be here in a couple of hours. We will get lots of good pictures of all of us together. I can't wait to see them. I will post some pics tomorrow!
Love you all!!


Leanne said...

I'll pray that Maddy can come off the oxygen! She is such a cutie! I can't wait to see more pictures!
Love you,
Aunt Leanne

Jimmie's Auntie Amber said...

I'm praying too!! I am glad her check up went well!

I love you!

Andrea said...

Oh goody, I love more pics. I am so thankful that she is growing! Oxygen prayers are going up!
Love you bunches,
Aunt Andrea

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