Falling into a routine 8:07 PM

Well, not alot here to report. Just enjoying spending time with my daughter. I am tired, but I think that is to be expected.
Our next appointment is on the 15th. We will check her oxygen levels then and see if we can wean her o2 down. More than likely she will be on the oxygen for at least another 3 weeks. Which totally bums me out. Not that it is a huge deal, it just makes life more difficult and she really does not like having that thing in her face.
The breastfeeding is going better today. It's just going to take awhile to really get it down. So, pray for that!
I go to the doctor tomorrow to get my staples out. They actually should have been out on Saturday, but since I went home a day early, I had to wait until Tuesday. But, my feet have still been really really swollen, and I am a bit concerned about that. I don't remember them being swollen for so long after I had Gabby. But, other than that I feel great.
Well, that's it for today. Mom hasn't downloaded any more pics from her camera yet, so I don't have any new ones, but I promise I will post some soon!


Leanne said...

I'm glad things are going better with breastfeeding. Can't wait to see more pics!
Love ya,
Aunt Leanne

Jimmie's Auntie Amber said...

You have to try to sit with your feet up. My feet were really swollen with Cole after I had him and it kinda scared me too. I had to just make sure my feet were up whenever I was sitting. I'm glad the nursing is going a bit better and you are right about it taking time and practice.

Love you and cannot wait for pictures.

Anonymous said...

glad to hear that she is doing good when seth was on the oxygen he hated it when it was on his face but he got use to it

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