New Pictures 11:44 PM

I thought that I would update everyone, not much new is going on, but still thought that I would post some pictures. Maddy is doing good. The last couple of weeks she has started getting VERY cranky whenever she is tired, and screams alot. We have tried everything. Sometimes walking around the house and rocking her works, but sometimes not. Also, sometimes the bouncy seat and the binky works, it just depends.

She has also started the teething process. I know it's gonna be a long while before she actually cuts a tooth, but the drooling and constant hand chewing has begun. Oh fun!

She is definitely becoming much more active and aware of things, it's really cool. The big grins she gives us are awesome. I still haven't gotten a good picture with my camera yet. I have gotten a couple with my cell phone, but every time I point the big camera at her, she gets all serious like, "What is that big ol thing??"

Here are a couple of pics. Rachael, I saw those hilarious pics of Justin and Jimmie and thought that I would post some of Jason and Maddy. I will feed her in the morning and then pop her into bed with him while I take a shower too!

Enjoy everyone! Love to all of you!


Still on O2 10:35 PM

Well, I got a message from the doctors office(apparently I missed the call!), and Maddy still needs to be on they say. The probe we got this time didn't conform to her foot well at all, it seemed very old and didn't bend alot. So, it kept sliding up her foot, down her foot, everywhere but the right spot! When this happened the readings would dip into the 80's, but as soon as I fixed it, it would jump back up to the 90's. I would like to explain this to the doctors. However, they said she just needs it now while she sleeps. Her levels are in the upper 90's when she is awake, so she's fine there!
We have Gabriella's O2 sensor from her stay in the NICU, the nurse put it in her box of things they gave us, and I think that I might use that one the next time around. It is a much newer, much better designed sensor and I think that it would give more accurate readings. I just hope it compatible with the machine.
Anyhow, I also think that we are going to go ahead and switch to the family practice doctor instead of waiting until Maddy comes off the oxygen. We can still use the same oxygen company, so there is really no need to wait!
Besides the oxygen thing, things are going well, although Maddy has seemed to have her days and nights extremely backwards lately! she's been waking up in the evenings around 11 or so, and not really going back to sleep for any length of time until almost 6 in the morning!!! I guess it's a good thing we are night owls!
She has also started smiling at us now, it's so cute!!! I have yet to capture one of those smiles on camera, but I know I will soon!
So, I am thinking that there will be another O2 test ordered when we go in for her 2 month checkup. Jana gave me a TKM tip to help with her O2 levels at night. She said to put the pad of Maddy's thumb to the nailbed of the ring finger and tape it when she is sleeping. Her husband had trouble with his oxygen when they moved to Denver and within a few nights of doing that, it wasn't an issue anymore! Maddy is really squirmy, especially with her hands, but we are going to try it tonight.
Well, I hear a little girl that's fussy, so I should go. I will keep you all updated!

1 Month Old!!! 8:23 PM

Happy 1 Month Birthday Maddy!

Today has been a pretty good day; we went to the doctor, and she's growing well, with the exception of her length, no gain there. The doctor didn't seem too concerned about that, because Madeline's head grew, and she gained another pound. Official stats are now 9lbs 3 oz and 20 inches long! She's up 2 whole pounds from her birth weight, and only half an inch. Uh oh, she's gonna be short like Mommy! That's alright though.

They have ordered another overnight oxygen test for next Friday. Let's hope she passes! This doctor was not optimistic though. We'll see. I would LOVE for her to be off of it. It's really becoming cumbersome, and she CONSTANTLY yanks it off her face, and hard too, so hard that she screams bloody murder and it takes forever to calm her down! Here are a couple of pictures that I took today of her! She's getting cuter everyday!!
Love you all and will update again soon.

reaching for the camera!