First solid foods!! 6:48 PM

So, today was a big day for Miss Maddy! She had solid food for the first time! We mixed some oatmeal cereal with some breastmilk and a little bit of pears. She didn't really know what to think at first, but then she was grabbing the spoon and trying to feed herself! It was cute and I got pictures!!! She didn't eat much, but from what I read, she was only supposed to eat about a tablespoon, so that is what I gave her. *WARNING!* BREAST TALK! LOL! I am not quite sure what to do about this one, but lately she's been grabbing ahold of my breast and pushing it away so she can "play" with it. Sometimes she will eat, sometimes she won't. I am not sure what to do about this. Especially if I am at work, I don't like sitting there with my boob hanging out waiting on her to decide whether or not she wants to eat. Like, just now, she ate some pears and cereal, and then I offered her the breast, and she literally ate for about 30 to 45 seconds and then just wanted to play with it. But, now she's being all fussy, like she's hungry! It's frustrating sometimes. Well, that's about it, here's some pictures of Maddy trying her food!

planning ahead? 11:03 PM

So, I have been thinking that since this upcoming trip to Missouri is our first with the baby, that maybe I should make a list. I have convinced myself that if I don't, I will forget something vitally important.
But, what do you bring along for a 5 month old? I mean, besides the obvious things like clothes, diapers, and toys? We are bringing the travel stroller and carseat with us, since we are renting a car, this will definitely make things easier. But, should I bring my big electric breast pump, or just the hand pump? How many blankets should I bring? Do I bring the boppy? She still uses it for lots of things, but it is kinda big and will take up alot of space in the suitcase. I don't want to go overboard and spend tons of money checking extra bags, but I don't want to forget things either.
Oh, another thing...carry on bags. Obviously, the diaper bag will be my carry-on, but does anyone know if I can bring my little bottle of hand sanitizer in my carry on? or will it get confiscated? Not that it's a big deal, they don't cost much, but we are gonna be on a plane, with lots of germs. It would be nice to have it!
The flight is only about 1 hour and 45 minutes, but I was wondering if maybe I should bring the laptop on the plane too and put a movie on for her? She's pretty interested in my computer and the tv, so maybe it would keep her occupied. I hope she does alright, and doesn't FREAK out the whole time. Sometimes the only thing that stops her from crying is walking, and we can't exactly do that on the plane.
Just pray for us. If we are lucky, she might nap while we are in the air. Boy, wouldn't that be nice?

Happy 5 Month Birthday Maddy! 10:10 PM

Wow. I can't believe that Madeline is 5 months old already. Crazy. It seems like just yesterday that we were in the hospital and I was going through labor. She is such a good baby. Always smiling and laughing. She has the best laugh ever! It always makes me feel better, no matter what is going on!
She loves to bounce in her jumperoo, so much that more often than not when we take her out of it, she continues to bounce on her own! It's so cute.
No "real" crawling yet, but she's got the half scoot, half crawl thing down if she wants something. But...most of the time, she will get up on her hands and knees and rock back and forth. And yell. Sometimes alot.
No teeth yet either, but her poor little gums are swollen, as the doctor pointed out to me last Thursday. We give her Hyland's teething tablets, and they do seem to help.
The puking has gotten a bit better. I have ordered some gripe water, but haven't received it yet. I am hoping to get it soon, so we can try it out.
All in all, Maddy is doing wonderful and is such a blessing to have! I have to remind myself every day to treasure each and every moment, she'll be a teenager before I know it, and I might not be as cool to her as I am now! haha!