For Amber.... 8:41 PM

Soooo, I haven't posted in about 2 months. I didn't think that anyone read it, but apparently, my dear cousin Amber does. So, if nobody else reads it, this is for you! lol!
Maddy has been doing very well the last two months. She started crawling around 5 1/2 months. Once we came back from Missouri, she started really taking off. At about a week past 6 months, she started pulling herself up to standing holding onto things, followed shortly by walking around while holding onto them!
My husband *swears* that she took two steps completely unassisted, but I think it was a fluke. She shows absolutely no signs of even attempting that. She is very careful when letting go of anything while standing up!
The solid food eating is going well. She eats about a jar a day total. Pretty good I would say. We are still breastfeeding, though not quite as much since I have finally gone back to work 4 to 5 days a week. So, because of that, my milk supply has dropped off. I am working on it, but fenugreek capsules make me want to puke, so that is NOT gonna work!
All in all, she is growing and developing wonderfully. We just went to the doctor last week and she is 26 1/2 inches long and 15lbs 4oz. Madeline has dropped off a bit in the weight department but had another little growth spurt in terms of height. Still no teeth though, which is driving me nuts! Poor thing gnaws on anything she can find. I feel bad for her. I wish they would just break through already!
Also, she's become a bit whiny if she doesn't get her way the past few weeks. Like, if I don't pay enough attention to her, or she wants something I take away, or is tired, she YELLS at me, and if I am in reach, hits me too!!! I hope, hope, hope this does not continue once she can talk!! I'm sure we won't be that lucky!!! I am not sure what route to go on discipline, because it's slightly difficult to discipline a 7 month old. Right now, I just say things like, "it's not nice to hit" and "please don't yell at Mommy". I know she doesn't get it yet, but hopefully with enough reiteration, she will one day soon!
Well, that's it for always, I leave you with pictures!


Leanne said...

Ok..Well I am also a faithful reader of the blog. I just don't always make a comment. I love hearing about Madeline. She is such a cutie and you are a wonderful mommy.
Aunt Leanne

Jimmie's Auntie Amber said...

Yeeeeeeah, and my name is in the title! (-: I feel special. LOL! She is so freaking cute there are hardly words! I know mom and Rachael check Maddy's blog. My friend Misha checks it too. She prayed so hard for you guys when Gabriella was born. She likes to check up on Miss Maddy.

Thanks for the update.

The way I look at it with McKenna and Jimmie's blog is that even if no one reads it, it's a great way to document and journal these precious times when our kids are young. It will be so fun to look back and read and remember.

For that reason I really should post on our family blog and I haven't found a way to be consistent, with that yet.

love you!

Anonymous said...

I still read your posts! She is so beautiful and seems to be doing so well!

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