rash, rash, go away 11:53 PM

Maddy has a rash. A strange one. So, I am hoping that I can get her into the doctor's office tomorrow. She doesn't seem to be bothered by it, but it's freakin me out! The best way to describe it is that it is similar to heat rash, but i don't think it is. It's a whole bunch of very small red bumps, some grouped together in big clumps, but most are by themselves. Some are flesh colored that you can feel, but can't see unless the right light hits it.
My dilemma is that I don't want to take her to the doctor's office with a whole bunch of sick kids, and chance her really getting sick ( if she doesn't have something already ). I left them a message, so we shall see what they say.
No new news really. No more "walking". She has let go of the (insert object here; table, chair, couch, ect.) and wobbled a bit and then fell down or caught herself, but no attempts at walking. Which is fine with me. I already chase her around the house as it is. The last few days, she has been pulling herself up to standing using the knobs on the kitchen cabinets. Which isn't good, because I have not put child locks on them yet. So, I will be doing that on my next day off!
With the exception of the rash, things are going well. She's eating more solid foods, discovering the joy of splashing the water with her tub toys, and discovering her personality. She knows what she wants and is constantly figuring out ways to achieve her goals. She loves to explore and LOVES her doggy and kitty. Madeline is fascinated by music, and loves to watch daddy play the harmonica, though when she tries, she just chews on it :) and she loves the stringed instruments. Daddy has a guitar, a mandolin, and a banjo and her little face just lights up whenever he starts playing. It's so cute!
She is a gorgeous, smart, and loving baby girl! We are so lucky to have her as our daughter!
Now if we could just figure this rash out.......


Jimmie's Auntie Amber said...

Praying the rash is gone Keep us updated!

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